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In Brazil, the breast tumor is still the main neoplasm that affects bitches, and the third most common in cats.
The plastic is a versatile material that is present in almost all products we have contact with and plays a key role in modern society.
Why does my dog lose hair?
Sustainability pills - After all, what is the Greenhouse Effect?
Pets are getting older and, like humans, are impacted by the changes that happen along with aging.
Cães e gatos também apresentam problemas cardíacos
When the pet's intestinal microbiota is unbalanced, his well-being is also compromised.
Many people do not realize it, but materials made from post-consumer resin, or PCR plastic, are increasingly common in our daily lives.
Motion sickness, a feeling of discomfort that occurs when traveling by car, is more common in puppies, but it can be prevented.
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