Sustainability Pills We are experiencing a [r]evolution.
That is the time to search for a more sustainable world, a revolution intended to reduce the usage of fossil fuels and the impacts humans cause on the environment.
We are aware of the environmental impact caused by plastic packaging and how it affects humans and animals. We brought the concept of sustainability into Avert and did a lot of research into how our products could be better, more functional, recyclable, recycled and contribute to the circular economy.
After extensive research, we are proud to announce that our packaging will be gradually replaced by PCR (post-consumer resin) vials made from discarded and recycled plastic and transformed into something new.
The plastic circular economy helps reduce the carbon footprint and bring greater visibility to recycling cooperatives and their employees. The benefits of adopting PCR vials go beyond the environmental sphere, with benefits for the society.
We invite you to learn more about this post-consumer resin and how it can benefit everyone. In the coming months we will talk more about the subject through short sustainability pills and how it is possible to make our society more environmentally friendly. The planet thanks you!